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Healthy Foods to Eat for Lunch and Snacks

Tired of eating the same foods every single day?
 If some of the foods are new to you, a fun challenge could be to toss one in your shopping cart every week or two.

Almonds: With 6 grams of protein and 3.5 grams of fiber per ounce, add these nuts to your regular afternoon snack rotation. 

Black beans and other beans: Pulses and legumes are rich in plant-based protein and filling fiber, and they provide folate, potassium, and iron. Whip them into hummus or mash them for a quick lunch wrap.

Buckwheat: While this gluten-free whole grain isn’t as beloved as quinoa, it boasts more protein — 11 grams per half-cup! Turn soba noodles, which are made from this protein powerhouse grain, into a chilled pasta salad loaded with veggies.

Carrots: Another orange veggie brimming with beta-carotene, carrots are equally delicious raw and cooked. They’re also one of the best food forms of vitamin A, which is linked to benefit eye health. Snack on them solo or with hummus.

Kale: This popular dark leafy green is high in vitamins K.

Nutritional yeast: With 4 grams of protein and 1.5 grams of fiber in two tablespoons, nutritional yeast is a tasty, nutritious staple for many plant-based eaters. It has a rich, cheesy taste — with almost no fat and very little sodium. Sprinkle it on popcorn or salads, or stir it into tomato soup.

Oranges: Citrus fruits like oranges are known for their high vitamin C content. Each orange contains about 65 calories, so snack on them or add to salads and salsas.

Peanuts: An ounce of raw, unsalted peanuts offers 7 grams of protein and 2 grams of fiber for 160 calories. 

Peas: These veggies offer a surprising amount of protein (8 grams per cup)! Sneak them into pasta dishes, soups, and stews for a quick protein boost.

Quinoa: The darling of the gluten-free whole grains world, quinoa is a complete vegetarian protein. This superfood is also super easy to cook — and is ready in under 20 minutes!

Sea vegetables: Also known as seaweed, these sea vegetables like dulse, hijiki, and arame provide essential minerals, including iodine. 

Sunflower seeds: Tiny sunflower seeds are full of vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant. Also, a good source of zinc, vitamin B6, and iron, sunflower seeds are tasty on salads or in the trail mix.

Sweet potatoes: Baked, roasted, or mashed, sweet potatoes are super tubers! Load one up with homemade chili for a quick midday meal. Per cup, they have 180 calories, 4 grams of protein, nearly 7 grams of fiber, and are full of antioxidants.

Whole grain products: Whether you’re choosing tortillas, bread, or crackers, opt for whole grains for extra nutrition — including more protein and fiber.


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